Vitamins, Minerals


Antioxidants are a broad group of compounds that includes vitamins, minerals and carotenoids. Antioxidants are highly-valued as they protect the cells of the human body from damage and aging.


Melatonin is a hormone which is naturally produced in the body. It supports rest and balances the daily rhythm. Melatonin levels are low during the day, but much higher at night, systematically acting directly on sleepiness when it is dark. Unregulated sleep schedule, poor sleep quality and recovery are all negative indicators for any serious athlete or bodybuilder. By taking natural melatonin, you will provide yourself with good quality sleep and quick recovery, at the times it is most needed.

Benefits of melatonin is

  • Regulates sleep
  • Promotes relaxation
  • Fights free radicals in the brain
  • Helps reduce the effects of insomnia
  • Normalizes the day-night rhythm


Minerals are substances of inorganic origin, which means that they are not produced by animals or plants, but they can be found in food. Minerals are essential for the proper functioning of the body. They provide nerve conduction, muscle contraction, water-electrolyte balance and energy production that are all very important in bodybuilding. Many minerals also act as the building blocks of human body tissues. For example, calcium and phosphorus are part of the bone tissue, and zinc is involved in the synthesis of testosterone. Body tissues contain liquid both inside cells (intracellular fluid) and in the intercellular space (extracellular fluid). Minerals (electrolytes) are electrically charged minerals or ions dissolved in both liquids. Minerals work in concert, regulating the water balance on both sides of the cell membrane. Minerals also contribute to muscle contraction, ensuring the transmission of signals through the cellular membranes of the nerve tissue. Electrolyte balance is necessary to maintain general health and achieve optimal athletic performance. Sodium and potassium are two of the main electrolytes. Sodium regulates the intercellular fluid balance, and potassium regulates the balance of the liquid inside the cells.


Vitamin and mineral complexes (multivitamins) are supplements that are intended to supply the body with vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. Such supplements are available in the form of pills, capsules, pastilles, powder, liquid and injection solutions. Modern vitamin and mineral complexes are created taking into account the features of age, gender and human activity, for example, multivitamins for pregnant women, children, the elderly, for athletes and for men and women. Vitamin and mineral complexes do not contain hormonal or harmful substances, they are not dangerous to the health, on the contrary, they are aimed at improving overall health and the activation of metabolic processes. Studies show that it is impossible to achieve good results in bodybuilding, fitness, powerlifting or other sports if you do not use vitamin and mineral complexes. Athletes often face the problem of a training plateau (both during gaining muscle mass and losing fat), even with proper nutrition and systematic training. Insufficiency of vitamins and minerals may be the reason for this. The problem is that the needs of the body are not always completely satisfied from food sources, especially in bodybuilding, where a large amount of high-calorie food is required, which often contains few vitamins and minerals. Bodybuilders simply cannot include enough fruit and other sources of vitamins in their diet, as this will lead to digestive disorders. At the same time, athletes have much higher vitamin and mineral requirements than ordinary people. This calls for the intake of vitamin complexes. Beginner bodybuilders often face the following problem: choosing the optimal complex. There are hundreds of multivitamins in the market, that according to the manufacturer’s description, are the best ones, but in reality, there are not that many good complexes. As noted above, the quality of a vitamin and mineral complex is determined by its matrices, that allow the release of substances at a certain rate and in certain combinations, giving the best effect of assimilation. In addition, when practicing sports (in particular bodybuilding), the needs of the body change: some vitamins are required for 20% more, others for 100%. That’s why athletes are recommended to purchase specialized vitamin and mineral complexes that were designed with the specific needs of the body under training conditions, in to account. Finally, sports vitamin and mineral complexes are divided between those intended for men and women, in which the physiological characteristics of both genders are taken into account.


Fatty acids play several important roles in our body. In addition to being the primary component of fat deposits, they also serve as an important element of cell membranes and regulate inflammatory processes. There are two main types of fatty acids: saturated and unsaturated. Saturated fats are found in animals and tropical plants, and they tend to remain solid at room temperature. Unsaturated fats are found in vegetables, cereals and fish oil. They remain liquid at room temperature. Unsaturated fats are divided into polyunsaturated fats (PUFAs) that include Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, and monounsaturated fats (MUFAs) that include Omega-9 fatty acids.

What are Omega-6 fatty acids?

Essential Omega-6 fatty acids, or PUFAs, are found in food that contains linoleic acid (LA). Linoleic acid is the main fatty acid that is converted into another type of Omega-6 PUFA, i.e. arachidonic acid (AA). Arachidonic acid and EPA serve as prototypes for an important group of molecules known as eicosanoids. Eicosanoids derived from AA increase inflammation and can increase the duration and pain of a fever. Eicosanoids derived from EPA are Omega-3 PUFAs and they have anti-inflammatory properties. The correct balance of these two types of eicosanoids plays an important role in the inflammatory processes in the body. Inflammation increases as the ratio of Omega-6 to Omega-3 FA increases in your diet.

What are Omega-9 fatty acids?

Omega-9 MUFA are components of animal fat and vegetable oil. The main type of Omega-9 FA is oleic acid, which is found in olives, nuts, seeds and animal fats. As Omega-9 fatty acids are non-essential, supplementation is not necessary.

Vitamin B Complex

B group vitamins are active participants in the processes of cellular metabolism, which is why their use in normalizing the work of the body is very popular. It is believed that B group vitamins are primarily useful for the nervous system, but this is not entirely true. Group B helps regulate energy metabolism, converting carbohydrates, fats and proteins into energy. Lack of vitamin B1, which participates in this process, can not only cause depression, but also a general weakness with apathy. Riboflavin – vitamin B2 helps improve visual functions and promotes hemoglobin synthesis. Vitamin B5 promotes the formation of ‘healthy cholesterol’, and vitamin B9 participates in pregnancy, developing the fetus, and also improves cell division. The stereotype that B vitamins only help for the treatment of nerve pathologies was formed because of two of the vitamins in this group – B6 and B12. They take part in the activity of the nervous system by regulating it. But B6 also synthesizes hemoglobin, regenerates red blood cells and creates antibodies, which demonstrates the importance of the vitamin for the immune system. At the same time, vitamin B12 also helps to synthesize erythrocytes.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is one of the most effective antioxidants. It protects the body cells from the harmful effects of free radicals. Ascorbic acid is a participant in the process of biosynthesis of collagen and its precursors, i.e. substances that are necessary for the formation of bone and connective tissue. It is needed for normal hematopoiesis and for the production of catecholamines and steroid compounds in the body. Vitamin C is able to regulate blood coagulation and normalizes the permeability of the walls of small blood vessels. It can prevent the development of hypersensitivity reactions (allergies) and reduce the severity of the inflammatory process. Ascorbic acid is necessary for a person to protect their body from the negative consequences of stress factors. It has been established that the concentration of ascorbic acid salts in the “hormones of stress” secreted by the adrenal glands is very high. The immune system is strengthened and recovery processes are activated under the influence of this vitamin. Ascorbic acid accelerates the process of removing heavy metals and their compounds from the body, prevents the oxidation of cholesterol and its deposition on the vascular walls, thereby providing an anti-atherosclerotic effect. Getting enough ascorbic acid increases the stability of other vitamins – A, E and B group compounds.

Vitamins A and E

Vitamin A is responsible for maintaining regular metabolism in the body, as well as for the proper functioning of the immune system, which helps to prevent many viral and infectious diseases. It also supports the nervous and cardiovascular systems. Vitamin A is very important for your eyes. It’s also worth mentioning the beneficial effects on the skin, hair, bones and teeth. In addition, scientists have proved that vitamin A interferes with the development of cancer cells in the human body. The main effect of vitamin E is maintaining the level of antioxidants that prevent skin aging. Like vitamin A, vitamin E supports immunity, thereby protecting against cold and flu. In addition, it actively participates in the nutrition of cells and the strengthening of the walls of blood vessels. Vitamin E is indispensable for the beauty and health of hair and skin. Vitamins A and E are recommended to be taken together because that vitamin E prevents the destruction of vitamin A while maintaining the vitamin balance in the body.
