
Beef Protein

Meat protein is a sports protein supplement based on beef protein, obtained by the ultra-concentration method, during which, most of the fat and cholesterol is removed.Beef protein is the best source of protein for athletes in terms of bioavailability, amino acid composition and rate of assimilation, which is comparable to whey isolate. It is additionally enriched with natural creatine, which is found in meat. It does not contain lactose or gluten.


Calcium caseinate, or casein, is a complex protein, made by fermenting milk. It is one of the most commonly used types of proteins in bodybuilding. When ingested, casein forms a clot in the stomach that takes a long time to digest, and provides the body with the necessary amino acids for a long time. At the same time, casein not only breaks down slowly in comparison with whey, but it also has the property of slowing the digestion of other types of protein, has less biological value, suppresses appetite and has a less pronounced anabolic effect.Micellar casein is now gaining popularity because it has better assimilation, solubility and taste qualities.


Complex proteins are mixtures of proteins from different origins, based on whey protein and intended for dry muscle mass gain. Complex proteins include proteins with an assimilation rate of 2-4 hours, for example, egg albumin or soy protein, and casein with an assimilation rate of up to 7 hours. Thus, whey protein triggers anabolism, and the remaining proteins prolong it for an extended period while maintaining the level of nitrogen. Complex proteins provide a lasting sense of fullness and are an excellent component of a low-carbohydrate diet, aimed at burning fat stores.

Egg Protein

Egg protein is obtained from egg whites. It has absolutely no fat, contains a large amount of protein, and is considered to be the ideal source of protein because of its complete composition of essential amino acids, branch-chain amino acids and glutamic acid. Once the egg protein enters the body, it is fully absorbed. If you measure proteins by quality and effectiveness, egg protein will be at the top of the list and a standard for measurements.


Soy protein is one of the most respected sources of amino acids by athletes. Soy protein contains a higher percentage (35%) of several amino acids (glutamine, lysine and amino acids with branched chains) than high-quality animal proteins, including whey, egg protein and casein. Soy, as well as the above mentioned components, is rich in arginine, i.e. an amino acid that promotes the strengthening of immune function. Several essential amino acids, like methionine, are not rich enough in soy, however, nowadays most producers of soy protein additionally enrich it with methionine. Therefore, according to biological value, soy nutritional supplements are comparable to milk and egg protein.The main advantage of soy is its full amino acid spectrum, which is as good as egg white, and is made from vegetables. Virtually no fat or carbohydrate content makes soy proteins popular not only among vegetarians, but also among professional athletes during drying-out. Many women prefer soy as a substitute for food during the period of aerobic loads because soybean is not only devoid of fats and carbohydrates, but also will support muscles, giving them the necessary protein.

Whey Isolate

Whey isolate is the most qualitative source of protein of all.Like whey protein, whey protein isolate is made from whey products. Milk protein isolate is a powder made from a residue that is formed when the whey is dried. Whey isolate is 90% whey protein. Protein can be obtained from ordinary foods: dairy products, fish, meat, seafood and eggs. Vegetable protein is found in soy and beans. However, based on the number of amino acids and their balance, whey protein isolate is the best one, which is also true concerning its significance for the athletes. It is common knowledge in bodybuilding that protein isolates will provide your body with the building material for muscles. Whey protein isolate, unlike whey protein, does not contain much lactose and will be indispensable for people suffering from lactose intolerance. Whey protein isolate will allow athletes to increase quality muscle mass and also maintain their muscles in the period of preparation for competitions, or during drying-out. Whey isolate can be used in a low-calorie diet in order to provide the body with quality protein, without supplying it with excess fat (this ratio of protein and fat in the diet cannot be achieved from regular food). A long-lasting feeling of satiety, with relatively low-calorie content, is an additional bonus. In addition, this protein is useful for hair and nails.

Whey Protein

Whey protein is a concentrated mixture of globular proteins obtained from milk whey. In this case, whey should be understood as a liquid composition, which is formed during milk clotting and is a by-product in the manufacture of cheese. At the moment it is the best protein, both for muscle growth and for fat burning. Details on the intake and evidence base are given in the article “Fast Protein”.
